Monday, March 26, 2007


Fear: a surpassing sense of how awesome and holy God is.

- The Joy of Spirit-Filled Living

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


It is easier for the blind to follow in faith.
It is harder for the blind to sin.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."

- Brennan Manning

Friday, January 26, 2007

listening in the silence.

"I didn't say anything. I was beginning to figure out that sometimes listening is the best way to communicate. Some people are afraid of silence, so they fill it with sounds. "

This quote comes from a book called After by Francis Chalifour.

Silence can be a beautiful thing, but more often than not, it seems to be an awkward thing in this day and age. I just finished exams and find myself already filling up these couple days I have off with "stuff"- university supplementary application forms, my english essay, the works... In the moments of silence and unrushed time that I do find during my day, I find myself trying to fill up that time as well. Our God is a God that uses the silences. It's so easy to miss His voice sometimes. I need to listen. I think we all do...

Friday, December 29, 2006

What better title than .. "Title"?

Yes, aha, of course you were scared!
Oh c’mon, just nod your head and smile. You know that you know that you know I’m right. =)

(Oh my. Somehow that’s supposed to make sense.)

Such a grand entrance, don’t you think?

How lovely.

Mm, I guess I’ll start off with a confession –it’s that I totally forgot I had to post until .. say .. two days ago. Hey, it’s holiday! “Give me a break?” Harhar, meaning it in both senses of the word if you know what I mean. Ahem! Well, that still gave me a bit of time, didn’t it? I mean, two days. Two full days. BUT! (yes, there’s always a but) It still didn’t quite sink in until .. say .. this morning? Or afternoon. Okay, okay, okay, I’ll admit it. I was caught in a book this morning, so shh! You didn’t hear anything. At least I got to finish one and both start and finish another all in the course of a few hours. Then came lunch. A pizza lunch. Great. Delicious. Yummy.

But I’m happy, what can I say.

Not the point of this bloggy though, now is it. In any case, thanks for tuning in to whatever channel this is. =)

Down to business then? And just a warning/disclaimer thingy – if randomness isn’t your forte, please bear with me. My awesomerific train of thought is never linear. Be forewarned.

It better not be too much to ask for…I hope.


Hmm. Two-oh-oh-six is drawing to a close, isn’t it? In two and a bit days, or 53ish hours, or 3 180ish minutes, or 190 800ish seconds, or 44 520ish breaths, or something like that. Okeys, enough math now. It’s so close. Christmas has come and gone, and everyone’s just anticipating to pull an all-nighter on New Year’s Eve. I dunno. I’m guessing here so prove me wrong if you will. But it makes you question, just what have you done this past year? What have you accomplished, gone through, made of it? Or even … what has it made of you?

And I’m not just asking the physical sense. Hey, it’s awesome to list events and good times and whatnots, but taking in a whole 365 days is quite a mouthful, don’t you think? Ehh, but I shan’t bother with that now. Chew on it and feel free to ask yourself sometime since I don’t feel like answering at the moment. Shh, you didn’t hear that either.

But I do wonder if you wonder.

So looking back, great. And looking onward? What do you even say when the gazillionth person comes up to you and asks? Are you blissfully dreaming to start a new page, or are you dreading the fact that with every minute ticking by, it’s drawing you ever closer to a next full year of troubles and breakdowns? What is this two-oh-oh-SEVEN going to flood on you? Mayhaps a mix of everything, yeah? It seems to always turn out that way anyway.

Ever get tired of it? The predicaments, the everything?

It seems .. we’ve lost that innocence, that simplicity, that wonder.
Where’s that eagerness, that hope, that awespiring joy
When it’s a new day, a new season, a new beginning?

With every passing year, we’ve become more weary. With every gaining experience, we’ve become more burdened. With every fleeting insight, we’ve become more ...

Oh, fill in the word you want, but everything’s so troublesome now. Even the smallest of things.

And so we seek for restoration in the midst of all this aggravation.

Restoration of hope, of joy, of peace, of comfort, of strength, of faith, of love.
So much,
And yet the list goes on.
We seek after it all, wanting to soar again
To soar freely with new wings,
To soar to ever greater heights.

But we feel broken. Unworthy. Blind. Lost. Desperate.
And so we question ..

Then comes that quiet, gentle whisper.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”
-- Psalm 27:14

We all know that verse, but how can we learn to ‘take heart’ when so much is crashing down on us? When everything seems to be against us? When all our walls are breaking down, when we’re tripping and falling and stumbling some more? It’s all so inane! Do we go and try to reason it out? Should we? Dare we?

And then that voice ..

[Jesus said,] "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
-- Matthew 11:28

The fear,
The frustration,
The despair,
The dread,
The hurt.

All will be washed away as He takes you to deeper waters. He takes you there not to drown you, but to cleanse you.

.. Is there no greater joy?

Open your eyes and look,

He’s here.
Standing in your midst.
Reaching out His hand.
Beckoning you to follow.

“Come, Beloved.”

This year,
Draw closer to Him
And feel His tender embrace

Be back,

Back in His arms of love,

_back in His arms again

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Another Video anyone?

It's that time of year again.. Christmas.

Sometimes, I'm not quite sure what to think during this time of year. There are so many aspects of Christmas that are so good. From celebrating the birth of Christ, to spending time with your family over the break, it's an enjoyable time of year.

Anyways, every year our school fellowship does something for the Christmas Assembly. We've tried a variety of things over the past few years. Last year, we did a skit, which, we didn't think went over too well with the audience, so we decided to try something new this year.

We prepared a short video presentation which you can find on the link below:


Monday, December 11, 2006

.. Cool video..

I don't know how many of you remember Stephen Luk who graduated last year.. but for those of you who know him, you know his love for God's creation.

Stephen has compiled a video of nature put to the song "Indescribable" at:

Check it out.