Monday, November 06, 2006

.. fellowship?

There.. are a lot of things I could have chosen to talk about in this blog. After some thought, I eventually decided to open up the topic of.. school fellowships. I don’t know how many of you have school fellowships, I don’t know how many of you are in school fellowships, I don’t know how your school fellowships are doing.. but I want to share a little about mine..

Things.. have been everything but easy.. My school fellowship is vastly different from AGAPE.. from the number of people there, to the types of people there.. to the programs we have .. things.. are different. As with pretty much everything in life, there have been good moments, and bad moments, positive aspects.. and not so positive aspects..

It’s.. difficult to live out your faith at school.. For me, my fellowship at school has really been about helping me to live out my faith.. it’s been about seeing the different perspectives of different people who go to different churches .. but worship the same God.

But.. to tell you the truth.. things are anything but fine and dandy..

It’s tough..

There are differences of opinion.. there’s segregation (even in such a small fellowship).. there’s confusion.. misunderstandings.. there are a lot of issues that are preventing the fellowship from really being a close knit community…

From year to year.. it.. doesn’t seem like anything has changed.. each year we say that we’ll do better next year.. but.. it’s hard to see much progress..

.. sometimes I wonder.. why do people even show up? .. is it because they feel that they’re obligated to? .. is it because they’re genuinely seeking community?.. is it because they want to be with their friends?.. I really don’t know..

I’ve.. written this blog.. in hope to hear about your school fellowships.. to hear how things are going.. to hear about what’s working.. to hear about what’s not working.. to hear your struggles, your successes, or even failures with this thing known as “school fellowships”.

Looking forward to hear your responses,



At 8:17 PM, Blogger alyssa said...

hi gabriel, ..about school fellowships, i went a couple times in grade 9 and i guess i didn't feel comfortable and so i tried going again this year in september and ya..basically i remembered why i hadn't been going to our school fellowship in the first place; i guess the teachers are Christian, but almost all of the few people that attend don't act like Christians and are also VERY different from ya, i still don't go to my school fellowsip, which is not good...


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