Friday, November 03, 2006

deliberate people and nehemiah 9

i wrote this yesterday around 10:00pm, so sorry if it doesn't make complete sense...
through all of high school i've seen change around me and within me; i've seen how much i've changed since grade 9, but i keep wondering whether i've actually grown.
it seems that things in my life go through phases and in circles, including my spiritual life.

"O Lord! my heart is sick, sick of this everlasting change;
And life runs tediously quick through its unresting race and varied range:
Change finds no likeness to itself in Thee,
And wakes no echo in Thy mute Eternity."

i really related to this quote when i read it today (honestly, i was looking for ideas for this blog) and basically it reminded me that my relationship with God is always changing and whenever i stop looking for God because i think i am close enough to Him, i end up falling so far from Him. and i know this message of falling away from God is really overused and overexposed, but throughout the Old Testament we are given so many examples of when the Israelites went astray. of course we don't usually read through the Old Testament since it is mostly long and dull (see Nehemiah 7), but even in Nehemiah i found something applicable to me and hopefully it'll be for you guys too. in chapter 9 the Israelites confess their sins. verse 29 says, " You warned them to return to you law, but they became arrogant and disobeyed your commands...But in your great mercy you did not put an end to them or abandon them, for you are a gracious and merciful God."
in this verse i see myself so clearly, as arrogant and disobedient, but after such a depressing revelation, it is so nice to hear, for the hundredth time maybe, God did not abandon the Israelites and will not abandon us. still everyday when i swing my feet onto the floor, i have to remind myself that i need God and i encourage every one of you to try and do the same. sometimes i think it is so hard to put down your pride and often i really just don't want to listen to God, but something around somehow finds its way to me and gently presses me to return to God*. and i hope this rambling blog will do something similar for you guys.
*most recently the dp audiocasts have made me realize how far i've grown away from God in just these past weeks and have also brought me back to God. even just sharing this has also brought me closer to Him. so if you guys want, go to and download and listen to the audiocasts. i hope they help, cuz i really liked them--they even have cool background music :).


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